jueves, 14 de febrero de 2013


Beware of things that you cannot control. You cannot control other people’s opinions; you cannot control other people’s behavior, no matter how hard you try. Some people may be beyond your influence. 
You also cannot control the past. Since you can’t change it, why would you spend any time, focus, or emotion on something you can’t control?

In life, almost all of us try to control the events around us. 

While we can influence many events and maybe control some, the only thing you have absolute control over is yourself and your emotional response to whatever happens in life. 

For example, two people can have the same experience and yet one decides his life is over and the other decides to utilize this event as a driving force to become more. 

Controlling what things mean to you is the ultimate power you possess, and can give you a life of fulfillment. 

Anthony Robbins